Protecting Residential AC Systems in Virginia

It is the start of October and the cooling season will be just about over. Now, we can shut off the AC and turn our thoughts to football, thanksgiving, and the falling leaves. But, just because the weather is mild, doesn’t mean that we can completely forget about our HVAC equipment. There are just a couple things left to do in preparation for the heating season and to wrap up the summer.

AC Protective Covers

During the winter, high winds, low temperatures, and heavy snows can damage the internal components of an air conditioner. CMR Heating and Air recommends our AC covers for each of your home’s outdoor condensers. These covers are specially made for each unit and can be shipped to your home; they are easy to install and simple hook onto the top of the condenser. It will protect your AC while at the same time allowing it to breathe. With a covered air conditioner you can expect…

  • Less Water Damage
  • Cleaner Cooling Coils
  • Less Debris Damage
  • Fewer Breakdowns

Furnace Clean and Checks

With your AC squared away and ready for the winter ahead, it is time to turn your attention to the furnace. Just like in the spring, the furnace in the fall requires yearly maintenance to guarantee proper performance and prevent breakdowns. Think of it like an oil change for your car. This isn’t a luxury service for your unit, but rather a necessary part of owning HVAC equipment. With proper maintenance you can expect these results:

  • Improved Efficiency of the Unit
  • Fewer Breakdowns
  • Longer Unit Lifespan
  • Improved Performance

The No Breakdown Guarantee

We are so confident in both the value of this service and the skill of our technicians that we guarantee our technicians will identify any small problems before they turn into a breakdown. In fact, if one of our technicians fails to do so, we will return to your home and resolve the problem for free. Schedule your Clean and Check today!

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