Air conditioning repair tips to keep cool through the summer – King George, Va

Air conditioning repair companies have been busy all summer with back-to-back appointments trying to help people beat the heat. In just one day, Ambient Air Solutions repairmen went out to more than a dozen house calls fixing air conditioners throughout the Gallatin Valley.

They blamed the increase in calls on the heat.

“When we get to the temperatures a little over 90, that’s when things tend to quit working,” said Ambient Air Solutions general manager Garret Gillispie.

He said the main issue they run into is restricted air flow.

“On the indoor units we have an air filter that gets dirty, that will restrict air flow and cause some air conditioning issues,” he said.

Gillispie said indoor and outdoor filters should be cleaned or changed at least once every three months.

“It really is dependent on living habits and the tightness of the home,” he said.

He recommended other ways to make sure your air conditioner stays in good shape throughout the summer.

– Keep windows closed when the air conditioning is on.

– Close window blinds during the day.

– Let the air conditioner do its work by setting your thermostat to 72 degrees.

Most importantly, he said regular maintenance on your air conditioner can help slow down any growing issues and keep you cool this summer.

Here are some other tips to help make your current air conditioner last:

– Change the filters every few months. Filters can be bought at any local hardware store.

– Clear your outdoor coils of all debris.

– Plan on having your system serviced before the summer months hit.

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