Do I Replace or Just Repair My Cooling System? – King George, Va

Age of Your Air Conditioner

Is your cooling system 15 years old? Is it older than that? Like we mentioned in an earlier blog entry, most systems have a lifespan of about 15 years. If your AC has made it past the 15-year mark, you may be better off replacing it.

Rising Energy Bills

Is it costing you more and more each year to keep your house cool? If your energy costs are rising each year and you’re using your air conditioner about the same amount, it could be a sign that your air conditioner is losing its efficiency. Newer units are more designed to higher energy efficiency standards and will help you to cut down on your energy costs.

Constant Repairs

Does it seem like every summer, you’re calling your favorite service company to come and make another round of repairs to your unit? Maybe even several times a year? If you’ve found that your calls for help are getting more frequent, you may be wasting good money on repairs to keep your AC hobbling along. Putting that money toward a new air conditioner would be a better use of your resources. This is especially true if your AC uses R22 refrigerant. Why? US legislation has restricted the production of R22 for several years until it eventually will be prohibited. This has made the repair costs of equipment that uses R22 increasingly expensive as those last few years come to their end.

Doesn’t Keep the House Cool

Take a walk around your house real quick. Does it feel really warm in a certain area of the house, but really cool in another? Are there rooms that feel very warm, though there are vents present? On those really hot days, does it just keep running non-stop? If your AC isn’t working well enough to keep the entire house comfortable, it is time to consider replacing it. A new cooling system that is properly installed will help to stabilize the temperature in your house.

So, how does your air conditioning system stand up to this scrutiny? If you’re concerned about even one of these four signs, we encourage you to call us today to talk about replacing your unit. We’ll help you to determine whether your unit is merely in need of a few repairs, or if it’s really time to retire it.

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