Getting Ready For Air Conditioning Season – King George, VA


Summer isn’t officially here but the temperatures are definitely increasing and that means it’s time for cooling season. Before the summer weather is officially here and you’re running your air conditioning unit around the clock to stay comfortable, remember to call your air conditioning technician to come out and conduct your seasonal ac maintenance.

In addition to a CMRVA A/C tune-up, there are several other ways you can prepare for the cooling season before summer is officially here to stay.

  • Clean Your System

No, we aren’t implying that you should take your air conditioning unit apart, let a qualified technician do that, but you can clean up the ground around your A/C to get rid of twigs and debris that have made their way to your A/C system during the windy winter and stormy spring. Mow the grass around the unit and trim back any overgrown bushes or vegetation to make sure your A/C system is clear of debris. Keeping the airway clear can help keep your system running properly.

·     Change Your Home’s Air Filters

CMRVA Heating & Air Conditioning will replace your home’s basic air filters when they conduct your AC Precision tune-up as part of your regular A/C maintenance. You can (and should) also replace your HVAC air filters on your own, and it’s advised that you do so at least every 30-60 days for optimal performance. An unchanged filter accumulates dust, allergens, and germs so for the health of your family and the efficiency of your A/C system, make sure you’re changing those filters as part of your regular cooling equipment service. Note that a clogged filter could even damage your A/C system.

  • Block the Sun

Help keep your home cooler by hanging blackout drapes or window shades to help keep the sun from heating up your home. These window coverings may also help keep your furniture and floors from fading or suffering from sun damage over time.

·     Check Alarm Batteries

If you didn’t spend daylight savings checking the batteries in your smoke and CO detectors, now it the perfect time. Don’t forget to also check the batteries in your thermostat to make sure it is functioning properly so you don’t end up calling your HVAC company because your system isn’t running and then it ends up just being the thermostat. You could also consider purchasing a programmable thermostat so you can adjust the temperature away from home and save money on your utility bills.

A yearly AC tune-up service could make your A/C unit up to 30% more efficient and save you money on your utility bills. Call CMRVA Heating & Air Conditioning today to make sure your cooling equipment is ready to keep you cool and comfortable for the summer and ask about our spring specials on air conditioning tune-ups.


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