How to Save Electricity $$$ in November With Your Fredericksburg HVAC UNIT

You may not think about it very often, but your HVAC system can be quite a drain on your finances, especially in winter. That energy bill rises in correlation to the temperature. Ever looked at the energy usage chart on your electric bill?

But no matter—we have a few electricity-saving ideas for you. In Virginia, our winters can be mild and harsh. The month of November tends to be a mixture of both, and it’s time you took advantage of that.

Turn Off the HVAC

Use weekends to your benefit—when you’re home, keep an eye on the temperature. If the weather is mild, save a chunk of change by completely turning off your thermostat. If you keep the windows closed, the temperature inside your home will stay about the same as when you cut it off until the weather goes colder or warmer.

If you’re wanting to use the slightly cooler air of November to cool your home without cost, fling open the windows. Turn on a few ceiling fans and voila, you’ve got free central air circulation! We know you love your HVAC unit, but allowing the outside to cool your home (or heat it, on an especially warm summer day) is a great way to save money on the energy bill and make things smell fresh for a little while. And while the HVAC unit is off, it’s a great time to take a quick look at it. 

Quick HVAC Maintenance

While your HVAC is off is the perfect time to give it a quick once over. HVAC maintenance is another way to save money on your energy bill because it ensures that your unit is running at peak efficiency. CMR Heating and Air point outs that if any electrical connections are malfunctioning, for example, you might be using too much energy. HVAC techs can also take a look at your ductwork to make sure the ducts are sealed properly—if they’re not, you’re losing air and spending more money. Having an HVAC repairman out to do a simple maintenance check in November can save you big bucks once the cold really hits in December in January. Use HVAC time off to your advantage! 

Change the Air Filter

One last extremely simple way to increase the efficiency of your HVAC unit is to regularly change out the air filter. You know that little grate just below the thermostat? That’s your air return, and it’s where the air filter goes. Check it once a month to make sure it’s not dirty—and if it is, replace it immediately. When dust and dirt builds up on these filters, it forces the HVAC unit to work harder since it can’t get good air circulation. Most filters recommend replacement every 90 days, but some houses have more dust than others. Use the changing of seasons to remind you to stay on top of air filter replacement.

Is your energy bill lower in November?

If you follow our tips, your electricity bill should be much lower for November than it was last year, maybe even lower than last month. And if you’re strategic with November’s weather, you can air out your house and get the HVAC maintained. There are many ways to use November to your advantage for your electric bill!

Is your energy bill ever noticeably lower in the fall? If the weather is mild, your system will turn on less often, but have you ever contributed to a decrease in HVAC activity by opening the windows instead? Tell us how you lower your electric bill in fall by leaving a comment below.

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