Importance of AC Maintenance – Fredericksburg, VA


With regularly scheduled maintenance, your heating and cooling system will last longer, operate using less energy, have better balanced temperature control, and break down less.

  • More Efficient: HVAC systems can operate 20% more efficiently with proper maintenance.
  • Fewer Interruptions: 90% of HVAC repairs are due to lack of proper maintenance.
  • Lower Bills: Committing to an annual tune-up can lower your energy bills by up to 50%.
  • Longer Equipment Life: Preventative maintenance helps your HVAC equipment last 8-12 years longer compared to reactive service repairs.
  • Warranties: Annual maintenance by an authorized service provider like Capital Heating & Cooling in New Berlin is required to keep your warranty valid. Skipping an annual maintenance visit can result in warranty coverage being denied by the manufacturer.
  • Indoor Air Quality: a clean system means cleaner air. Cleaner air means a healthier family, customers, and employees.


Lack of proper air conditioning maintenance leads to premature breakdowns, potential safety hazards, and inefficient operation mainly caused by leaking refrigerant, worn-down motors, and electrical issues.

Leaking refrigerant
A well maintained AC should not loose coolant; if you’re AC is low on refrigerant it means you have a leak. Loosing refrigerant causes your air conditioning system to lose its cooling power, which means it has to run harder to cool your home ultimately causing you higher cooling bills. Refrigerant leaks will also lead to icing across the coils and damage to the compressor.

During your annual maintenance visit, our HVAC maintenance experts inspect the refrigerant lines, the compressor, and the coils to check the refrigerant level to make sure your AC hasn’t lost its charge or corrosion and for corrosion has led to leaking refrigerant.

Worn-down motors
As your AC works hard all summer to keep you cool, things like dirt, debris and dust find its way into your HVAC system. This layer of grime and dirt increases the friction on the moving parts of the motor and can lead to the motor wearing down and burning out early, which will require replacement. Once a year it’s important to have a professional HVAC technician clean your air conditioning.

Electrical issues
If the wiring in your AC system becomes frayed or comes loose, the electrical panel may fail. Disconnected or loose wiring can also mean important components like the thermostat aren’t getting the electricity they need to operate. During your annual AC tune up, our AC technicians perform a full check of your air conditioning’s electrical systems.


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