Top 3 Ways to Identify an AC Freon Leak – King George, Va

AC’s function by repeatedly changing Freon from a liquid to a gas and back again. When liquid changes to a gas, it creates a natural cooling effect. So in this way, Freon is the lifeblood of your cooling system. Without this substance in place and at the proper level, your air conditioner will not function properly.

Yet, air conditioners are complex, sophisticated equipment. If your unit is not working properly, there are numerous reasons for the difficulty. How can you tell if your unit lacks adequate Freon?

Low Freon Air Conditioner Symptoms

  • Air Temperature: Head over to one of your vents while the unit is in operation and feel the air exiting the vent. Would you describe it as cold or cool? If the unit lacks enough Freon, it will not be able to lower the air temperature as much as normal or expected.
  • Long Run Times: Thermostats only deactivate the air conditioner when their internal thermometer registers the set temperature indoors. So, if the AC is unable to distribute very cold air, this lengthens the run time dramatically. How long are your air conditioner cycles?
  • High Energy Bills: Less cold air leads to longer run times which inevitably lead to increased energy bills simply because your unit is in use for longer periods of time. However, this could compound into a huge increase in your overall energy bills. Some homeowners have reported as much as a 40% increase in their operational costs!

Schedule Your AC Clean & Check with CMR Heating and Air!

The best way to tell if you have a Freon leak or low Freon levels is to schedule a Clean & Check with CMR Heating and Air! As part of our 22 point checklist, our technicians verifies the amount of Freon in your system to ensure it is prepared to handle the cooling load for the summer. Prevent breakdowns, lower your energy bills, and extend your air conditioners life span with a CMR Clean & Check today!

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